Foundation Las Palmas de Mamre" is an International non-profit foundation overseen by the Costa Rican government.
The mission is also a member of Alianza de Iglesias Evangelicos (Alliance of Evangelical Churches) in Costa Rica.
As Abraham extended hospitality to the angels at the great oaks of Mamré (Genesis 18:1-16), we at Las Palmas de Mamré extend hospitality to all who pass our way.
LAS PALMAS DE MAMRÉ is an interdenominational Christian mission serving the people living in the remote jungles along the Costa Rican/Nicaraguan border. Its headquarters is located on the Sarapiquí River, two hours by boat from Puerto Viejo in Sarapiquí County, Costa Rica.
The video above was made prior to a flood. The medical boat was severely damaged, and we are in the process of rebuilding it. Many changes have occurred since this video was filmed.
Financial Contributions:
Donation checks may be made out to Ann Moshenek with CR Mission in notation line if desired and mailed to c/o
Crystal Boyer
14274 S. James Madison Hwy
Dillwyn, VA 23936
US Contact:
Shari Cook
Tel: 434-996-8662
Costa Rican Contact
Ana Moshenek, Director
Tel: (Costa Rica)
011 (506)7291-7362
Note: If there is no answer, please leave a message at:
View some of our newest videos on the mission and missionary training school.